We watch and monitor, and detect unauthorized use of your trademarks/brands on mobile applications by third parties.

Given the specific nature of the sector, this type of service is less than often requested. Consequently, the establishment of searches and monitoring on mobile applications will be subject to a preliminary study on our search and monitoring tools. As a consequence, extra time may be necessary for the setting up of this service [2 to 4 days, depending on the platform].


We can provide this service monitoring in all the languages including Chinese.


Our costs indicated are “per year” costs with one report per month for a twelve (12) months period.  


1) Cost for “Without Analysis”: EUR3,200.00 [before tax]

– Relevant /non-relevant sorting

– Reference to relevant platfrom

– Link to the application page on the platform

– Source code of the indexed webpage

– Name, evaluation, price and name of developer [ if applicable]

– Screen capture of webpage as indexed by Google

– Screen capture of the platform page [screen size]


れます。 ・検出したウェブページのスクリーンキャプチャ





2) Cost for “With Analysis”: EUR9,650.00 [before tax]

* Up to 100 relevant commented results per month.

The followings are provided in addition to the said content.

– Screen capture of the detected webpage

– Classification of results

– Risk analysis based on the client’s trademarks and activity

– Recommendation, when necessary  


The results can be seen via our web platform at free of charge.



We con provide  mobile application search as well, but it is one time service, different from watch/monitoring provided continuously. and the cost is also comparatively cheap. So we recommend choosing watch/monitoring except for the purpose of knowing the present existing or possible problems of your company.  


The content provided is same as that of watch/monitoring.

1) Cost for “Without Analysis”: EUR1,000.00 [before tax]

2) Cost for “With Analysis”: EUR4,000.00 [before tax]

*Up to  100 relevant or non-relevant results.